miercuri, 13 aprilie 2011

Fratia vinului

Interesanta denumire de emisiune tv. emisiune zic? hmm...mai degraba o calatorie tv. o calatorie frumoasa, interesanta, neasteptat de atractiva. despre ce calatorie e vorba? gata...va spun...fratia vinului pe tvr 2 pe care o urmaresc acum, realizata de fratii paduraru de la iasi, actorul si degustatorul de vin. unde calatoresc ei? pe ce drumuri din tara noastra frumoasa? cu cine se mai intovarasesc si ce pagini de istorie romantata ne mai dezvaluie? va las sa urmariti si dumneavoastra...

Rare Civil War photos document life between battles

America's Civil War, whose 150th anniversary is marked on Tuesday, is so often described in battles — the Battle of Gettysburg, the Battle of Bull Run, the Battle of Fort Sumter — that it may be easy to forget that the soldiers who fought in the four-year war had a lot of time between fighting. The rare photos seen below document just that — the time soldiers spent waiting, preparing, recovering or just living.

"We wanted to show more of the daily life of these people and remind people that they were living their lives in the middle of this horrible war and there was a lot of daily living going on," says Kelly Knauer, editor of "TIME The Civil War: An Illustrated History."
He points out that because of where camera technology was at the time, the in-between was much of what was photographed during the Civil War, since battle scene photos would often come out too blurry. The war marks one of the first times dead bodies were photographed. Another thing that comes out of some of the photos is a time truly left in the past, when family members and nearly entire towns would travel with the men to their battlegrounds.
As Knauer notes: "When they went to war, they took their whole families with them."
TIME The Civil War: An Illustrated History

Preluare: http://news.yahoo.com/

Old Dogs

Franki Valli & The Four Seasons - Big Girls Don't Cry

Tacerea mieilor

"Nu am auzit nici o voce a tineretului PNL care sa critice macar in soapta uniunea cu PSD. Sunt ei incantati de infratirea cu tinerii lui Iliescu? Noua amprenta socialista nu pare sa-i deranjeze. In goana dupa putere, ideologia nu-si are rostul, sageata liberala indreptandu-se in orice directie. Incarcatura trecutului comunist condamnat in Parlamentul Romaniei, amintirea mineriadelor, epoca Nastase, constiinta pasiva a social-democratilor par sa fie acum intr-o uniune perfecta cu asteptarile tinerilor liberali. Nici macar discursurile explozive anti PSD ale liderului Antonescu nu isi mai fac loc in memoria lor."

Mission to Mars (2000)

Polarstate - Global Midnight (Martin Roth Remix)

"Tainicele dedesubturi ale politicii de Bahlui"

"Multă lume mă tot întreba de ce PDL Iaşi nu se luptă unit cu administraţia PSD. Cum de unii dintre noi sunt în război pentru Ciric, CET, RATP etc., iar alţii tac mâlc, într-o stranie linişte. Mai ales că sunt membri vechi, din aceia care fac paradă zilnic cu loialitatea lor. Ei, iată că acum se mai lămuresc lucrurile. Blaturile de mai demult şi cele mai noi ies la suprafaţă."

Ioan Ionita ataca din nou alianta USL

"Luni, 21 Martie 2011

Ioan Ionita Presedintele organizatiei locale a Partidului Democrat-Liberal, Ioan Ionita, nu vede cu ochi buni alianta dintre PSD si PNL, la nivel local. Liderul democrat-liberalilor spune ca in perioada imediat urmatoare se asteapta ca unii membri PSD sau PNL sa paraseasca forul politic din care face parte, neconvenindu-le aceasta alianta, si sa i se alature, prin semnarea unei adeziuni cu PD-L. "Sunt unele semnale in acest sens. Multi critica decizia luata de la nivel national, de a se realiza aceasta alianta intre PSD si PNL, numita USL. La Iasi deja s-a produs o ruptura. Fostul vicepresedinte TNL, Stefan Chiriac, a parasit organizatia si ni s-a alaturat noua. Sunt mai mult ca sigur ca asa se va intampla si la Pascani. Vor fi membri din cele doua partide care ni se vor alatura, mai ales cand acest protocol va fi incheiat la nivel local", a declarat presedintele PD-L Pascani, Ioan Ionita.De precizat faptul ca, deocamdata, la nivelul municipiului Pascani, liderii PSD si PNL nu s-au intrunit pentru a discuta despre alianta dintre cele doua partide. Ei asteapta sa se stabileasca in mod cert ce se va intampla la nivel judetean, dupa care se vor incepe negocierile si la Pascani. Cert este ca reprezentantii PSD au precizat ca primul lucru care-l vor face atunci cand vor semna intelegerea este acela de a-l schimba pe Ioan Ionita din functia de viceprimar."

Trei recorduri pe jurnalvirtual

"Trecerea tânărului Ştefan Chiriac de la PNL Iasi la PDL a stârnit interes imens pe jurnalvirtual.ro. Ştirea dezertării sale a adunat 941 de citiri, în timp ce interviul cu acelaşi personaj doar… 767. Cele două articole au avut în total 134 de comentarii!"

Blank & Jones Miracle Cure feat. Bernard Sumner vs. THX 1138

Deadmau5: Move for Me (AR Piano Funk Remix)

Medina - You & I (Deadmau5 Remix)

Medina - You And I

A look back at Princess Diana’s bridesmaids

Prince Charles and Princess Diana pictured with her bridesmaids. Flanking bride and groom, left to right: Sarah Jane Gaselee and Lady Sarah Armstrong-Jones. Front row, left to right: Clementine Hambro, Catherine Cameron and India Hicks. (AP Photo)
The royal wedding is bringing back many memories of Charles and Diana's big day back in 1981. There is a lot of renewed wedding interest in Di's bridesmaids. Who were the five girls in the bridal party? And what are they up to now? Sarah Chatto (nee Armstrong-Jones) had the most high-profile gig of all the bridesmaids. Not only was she the maid of honor, she also had to take primary responsibility for handling Diana's 25-foot-long wedding train. She is the daughter of Queen Elizabeth's sister, Princess Margaret, and photographer Antony Armstrong-Jones. India Hicks is probably the best-remembered of Diana's five bridesmaids. Hicks, goddaughter of Charles, was only 13 at the time. Moments before the ceremony, the princess encouraged Hicks to do her best to help with the unwieldy 25-foot-long train. Sarah-Jane Gaselee was even younger. Just 11 at the time of the wedding, Gaselee's father, racehorse trainer Nick Gaselee, had taught Prince Charles how to ride. In a 2008 interview with the U.K.'s Mail Online, she recalled the moment Diana asked her to be part of the wedding party. "I remember Diana giving me a piggyback ride when she asked me."

My Years As Gaddafi's Nurse

Oksana Balinskaya Oksana Balinskaya – Mon Apr 11, 1:02 am ET NEW YORK – I checked the dictator’s heart and lived in luxury. But when revolution came, I realized the cost. In this week's Newsweek, Oksana Balinskaya talks about what it was like being the nurse for Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi. I was just 21 when I went to work for Muammar Gaddafi. Like the other young women he hired as nurses, I had grown up in Ukraine. I didn’t speak a word of Arabic, didn’t even know the difference between Lebanon and Libya. But “Papik,” as we nicknamed him—it means “little father” in Russian—was always more than generous to us. I had everything I could dream of: a furnished two-bedroom apartment, a driver who appeared whenever I called. But my apartment was bugged, and my personal life was watched closely.
Oksana Balinskaya worked as Gaddafi's Nurse. (Photo: Joseph Sywenkyj for Newsweek)

For the first three months I wasn't allowed to go to the palace. I think Papik was afraid that his wife, Safia, would get jealous. But soon I began to attend to him regularly. The job of the nurses was to see that our employer stayed in great shape-in fact, he had the heart rate and blood pressure of a much younger man. We insisted that he wear gloves on visits to Chad and Mali to protect him against tropical diseases. We made sure that he took his daily walks around the paths of his residence, got his vaccinations, and had his blood pressure checked on time. The Ukrainian press called us Gaddafi’s harem. That’s nonsense. None of us nurses was ever his lover; the only time we ever touched him was to take his blood pressure. The truth is that Papik was much more discreet than his friend, the womanizer Silvio Berlusconi. Gaddafi chose to hire only attractive Ukrainian women, most probably for our looks. He just liked to be surrounded by beautiful things and people. He had first picked me from a line of candidates after shaking my hand and looking me in the eye. Later I learned he made all his decisions about people at the first handshake. He is a great psychologist. Papik had some odd habits. He liked to listen to Arab music on an old cassette player, and he would change his clothes several times a day. He was so obsessive about his outfits that he reminded me of a rock star from the 1980s. Sometimes when his guests were already waiting for him, he would go back to his room and change his clothes again, perhaps into his favorite white suit. When we drove around poor African countries he would fling money and candy out the widow of his armored limousine to children who ran after our motorcade; he didn’t want them close for fear of catching diseases from them. He never slept in a tent, though! That’s just a myth. He only used the tent for official meetings.

We traveled in great style. I accompanied Papik to the United States, Italy, Portugal, and Venezuela, and whenever he was in a good mood, he asked us if we had everything we needed. We would get bonuses to go shopping. And -every year Papik gave all his staff gold watches with his picture on them.

We traveled in great style. I accompanied Papik to the United States, Italy, Portugal, and Venezuela, and whenever he was in a good mood, he asked us if we had everything we needed. We would get bonuses to go shopping. And -every year Papik gave all his staff gold watches with his picture on them. Just showing that watch in Libya would open any door, solve any problem that we had. I got the impression that at least half the population of Libya disliked Papik. The local medical staff was jealous of us because we made three times more than they did—over $3,000 a month. It was obvious that Papik made all the decisions in his country. He is like Stalin; he has all the power and all the luxury, all for himself. When I first saw television pictures of the Egyptian revolution I thought, nobody would ever dare to rise against our Papik. But there was a chain reaction after Tunisia and Egypt. If Papik had passed his throne to his son Saif when he still had a chance, I believe that everything would have been all right. People would not be dying right now. I got out of Tripoli at the beginning of February, just in time. Two of my friends stayed behind, and now they can’t leave. I had a very personal reason for wanting to get out: I was four months pregnant, and I was beginning to show. I feared that Papik would not approve of my Serbian boyfriend. Papik will probably never forgive me my betrayal. But I realize I did the right thing to flee Libya. My friends all told me I should think of my future baby and run. Now Papik’s closest partners are also running from him. And he is forcing his children and our two remaining Ukrainian colleagues to stay and die by his side. As told to NEWSWEEK’s Anna Nemtsova in Mogilnoye, Ukraine.

Russia releases Gagarin's secret last words

MOSCOW (AFP) – One of the last things Yuri Gagarin did before making his pioneering voyage into space 50 years ago was make sure he had enough sausage to last him on the trip back home to Moscow. This tidbit was among more than 700 pages of once-secret material linked to the life and times of the world's first spaceman that were released by Russia ahead of the April 12 anniversary. The historic space shot turned Gagarin into an instant celebrity whose boyish charms became a powerful propaganda weapon for the Soviet Union as it scrambled to win its ideological battle against the United States during the Cold War. His boy-next-door grin and outsized helmet became a staple of Soviet stamps while his heroism turned into a subject of elementary school literature that became comparable to the teachings of Lenin. Russian authorities -- with their own space programme in trouble -- have grabbed on to that glory by making the Gagarin celebrations into a national event stretching from the halls of the Kremlin to the International Space Station. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is planning a visit to the mission control centre outside Moscow while his mentor and predecessor Vladimir Putin will hold his own meeting with Russian and Ukrainian cosmonauts in Ukraine. But making the biggest news among Russians this weekend were files revealing the conversation Gagarin had while strapped into his capsule with chief rocket designer Sergei Korolyov -- a man who became a legend in his own right. Gagarin is best remembered by a generation of Russian for pronouncing "Poyekhali!" as his Vostok spacecraft lifted off the ground. The phrase can be translated as either "Let's Go!" or "We're Off!" and is now a regular part of the Russian lexicon.

But the Russian Internet was abuzz with what Gagarin said moments before his famous catchphrase. One of Korolyov's biggest worries appeared to be that the would-be hero had enough to eat once he touched down on Earth. "There in the flap you have dinner, supper and breakfast," the father of the Soviet rocket programme told Gagarin by radio as the clock ticked down. "Got it," Gagarin replied in comments originally posted on the lifenews.ru website. "You've got sausage, candy and jam to go with the tea," Korolyov went on. "Sixty-three pieces -- you'll get fat! When you get back today, eat everything right away." Gagarin joked back: "The main thing is that there is sausage -- to go with the moonshine." Korolyov appeared to take the joke in stride. "Damn. This thing is recording everything, the bastard," the scientist said in reference to the relay recorders. The website also published a photograph of the original faded sheet on which the conversation is transcribed. Lifenews.ru added that Gagarin appeared to be singing and whistling to himself while mission control continued conducting various last-minute checks. Not all of them went smoothly. Gagarin at one point is told to rip off some adhesive tape and adjust a piece of equipment because "we forgot to tape that thing". He is later told that access hatch would have to be readjusted because "one of the contacts failed to light up" on the mission control panel. Gagarin appeared to take everything in stride and began happily reporting all he saw once his spacecraft was finally aloft. Various historians noted that one of the Soviet officials' biggest fears was that their cosmonaut would lose consciousness once he became weightless. "The sensation of weightlessness feels nice," Gagarin reported to ground control at one point. "Everything is swimming."

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